- Talk to Tolfdir
- Find Kahvozein's Fang
- Harvest Dragon Heart Scales.
- Talk to Tolfdir
To start this quest you must have an Alteration skill of 90 or higher and ask Tolfdir if there is anything new he can teach you. He will tell you he has been working on a new spell, but to complete his research, he needs Dragon Heart Scales cut from a dragon's heart using a dagger called Kahvozein's Fang. He tasks you with retrieving the dagger, which can be found in a radiant dungeon.
Once you have the dagger, you must locate a dragon's corpse (either by killing one or finding the remains of a previously-deceased dragon). It is not necessary to kill the dragon using Kahvozein's Fang, but rather equip the dagger in your right hand and slash the dragon's corpse repeatedly.
Once you have the scale, bring it to Tolfdir. He will reward you with the Dragonhide Spell Tome, as well as selling the tome for Mass Paralysis.